Scientific journal

59 2020

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 2 / 2020

Duliński, R. – Starzyńska-Janiszewska, A. – Byczyński, Ł. – Florkiewicz, A.
Myo-inositol phosphates profile and in vitro bioavailability of selected minerals from spelt: Effects of hydrothermal processing and solid-state fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 59, 2020, No. 2, s. 147-154

Robert Duliński, Department of Biotechnology and General Food Technology, Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Kraków, ul. Balicka 122, 30-149 Kraków, Poland. E-mail:

Received 27 February 2020; 1st revised 14 April 2020; 2nd revised 15 May 2020; accepted 19 May 2020; published online 8 June 2020.

Summary: The myo-inositol phosphates profile was analysed in spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and in green spelt (immature grains) subjected to thermal processing and solid-state fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus. Raw mature grains were charac­terized by the highest level of phytate (13.09 g·kg-1), with 41% share of inositol hexakisphosphate. Solid-state fermentation resulted in a decrease in both total phytate content by 10 % on average and the share of higher phosphorylated forms of myo-inositol in the profile. Fermentation generated high amounts of lower inositol phosphates, particularly in the case of immature spelt (72% share in the profile). Analysis of the dephosphorylation pattern indicates that the main enzymatic activity in this process could be attributed to 3-phytases from R. oligosporous. The fermentation of spelt did not enhance in vitro bioavailability of minerals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu). The results presented in this paper provide information on the impact of the proposed bioprocessing method on the level and profile of inositol phosphates in spelt grains. The conclusions can be helpful in designing fermented food products on the basis of cereals and pseudo-cereals, as the content of phytate is one of the factors that may limit the nutritional value of food.

Keywords: phytate; wheat; spelt; fermentation; mineral content; bioavailability

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