Scientific journal
45 2006
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Vol. 45, 2006
=Number ?> 4 | |
141-146 |
CIESAROVA, Z. - KISS, E. - BOEGL, P. Impact of L-asparaginase on acrylamide content in potato product |
147-151 |
LIPTÁKOVÁ, D. - VALÍK, Ľ. - BAJÚSOVÁ, B. Effect of protective culture on the growth of Candida maltosa YP1 in yoghurt |
152-156 |
PEJCHALOVÁ, M. - VYTŘASOVÁ, J. - BROŽKOVÁ, I. - HUSKOVÁ, Z. - ČERVENKA, L. Occurrence of arcobacters in the Czech Republic and the influence of sample matrix on their detection using PCR |
159-165 |
PANGHYOVÁ, E. - KAČENOVÁ, D. - HAJDUŠKOVÁ, S. - MATULOVÁ, M. - KISS, E. Influence of free linoleic acid on the fatty acids profile of fermentation by selected probiotic bacteria |
166-170 |
ŠIMON, P. - POLAVKA, J. Thermooxidative degradation of dried milk studied by non-isothermal thermogravimetry |
171-178 |
ŠALGOVIČOVÁ, D. - ZMETÁKOVÁ, Z. Polychlorinated biphenyls in muscle tissue of freshwater fish in East Slovakia |
179-182 |
ŠIMKO, P. - KOLEK, E. - SKLÁRŠOVÁ, B. - ŠIMON, P. Removal of benzene from water by adsorption on polymer materials |
183-184 | Book reviews |
185-186 | Contents of the volume 45, 2006 |
187 | Author index 2006 |
187-188 | Subject index 2006 |