Scientific journal
46 2007
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Vol. 46, 2007
=Number ?> 2 | |
51-57 |
KOHAJDOVÁ, Z. - KAROVIČOVÁ, J. Fermentation of cereals for specific purpose |
58-62 |
MINAROVIČOVÁ, J. - KACLÍKOVÁ, E. - KRASCSENICSOVÁ, K. - SIEKEL, P. Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum by polymerase chain reaction |
63-67 |
ORAVCOVÁ, K. - TRNČÍKOVÁ, T. - KACLÍKOVÁ, E. Comparison of three real-time PCR-based methods for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food |
68-74 |
BELAJOVÁ, E. - RAUOVÁ, D. Determination of ochratoxin A and its occurrence in wines of Slovakian retail |
75-83 |
POLOVKA, M. - BREZOVÁ, V. - ŠIMKO, P. EPR spectroscopy: A tool to characterize gamma-irradiated foods |
84-90 |
VÍTOVÁ, E. - LOUPANCOVÁ, B. - ŠTOUDKOVÁ, H. - ZEMANOVÁ, J. Application of SPME-GC method for analysis of the aroma of white surface mould cheeses |
91-95 |
KROČKO, M. - ČANIGOVÁ, M. - DUCKOVÁ, V. Occurrence, isolation and antibiotic resistance of Enterococcus species isolated from raw pork, beef and poultry |
96 | Book reviews |