Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 1 / 2009
Effect of heat treatment and dough formulation on the formation of Maillard reaction products in fine bakery products – benefits and weak points
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 48, 2009, No. 1, s. 20-30
Zuzana Ciesarová, Kristína Kukurová, Alena Bednáriková, VÚP Food Research Institute, Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 25, SK – 824 75 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel.: +421-2-50237 197, fax: +421-2-5557 1417, e-mail:
Summary: Possibly harmful compounds (acrylamide, 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural – HMF), markers of the Maillard reaction extent (furosine, fluorescence, browning, colour), as well as beneficial radical-scavenging capacity were determined in fried fine bakery products, rosquillas, at different heat treatment and dough formulation. In different simplified recipes, saccharose was substituted by glucose and fructose, and a raising agent was added while different temperature and time regimes were applied. Duration of frying from 4 min to 8 min increased the acrylamide content from (43 ± 8) μg•kg-1 to (159 ± 12) μg•kg-1 at 180 °C, and from (94 ± 3) μg•kg-1 to (366 ± 5) μg•kg-1 at 200 °C. Sodium hydrogen carbonate addition resulted in an only weak (13%) decrease in the acrylamide content, but in a more pronounced (80%) suppression of HMF formation. Substitution of saccharose for the mixture of glucose and fructose caused a decrease in acrylamide contents instead of its expected increase, but HMF formation was strongly supported by the presence of fructose. On the other hand, beneficial properties, such as radical-scavenging capacity, browning, colour, and fluorescence parameters were developing with the advance of Maillard reaction. Colour parameters were in good correlation with radical-scavenging capacities of final products prepared from saccharose (correlation coefficients, 0.779–0.981) as well as with acrylamide contents in samples made under all recipe modifications (correlation coefficients, 0.882–0.979).
Keywords: acrylamide; hydroxymethylfurfural; asparagine; furosine; bakery products; Maillard reaction; browning
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