Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 1 / 2015
Krížová, S. – Buday, Š.
Socio-economic aspects of food consumption in Slovakia: overview of contemporary issues
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 54, 2015, No. 1, s. 21-30
Slávka Krížová, Research Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Agricultural and Food Centre, Trenčianska 55, 824 80 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel.: +421258243 368, e-mail:
Received 4 April 2014; accepted 12 May 2014; published
online 16 December 2014.
Summary: The aim of this paper is to describe the economic factors affecting food consumption, including issues relating to self-sufficiency and land potential of Slovakia to ensure adequate food. Food habits and preferences in Slovakia are shaped by cultural traditions, personal availability and accessibility. In 2012, net household income and expenditure increased at a similar growth rate by 1.6%, and consumer expenditure increased by 2.0% in Slovakia. Food, beverage and tobacco expenditure increased (3.4%) with a faster rate of growth in expenditure for foods and non-alcoholic beverages compared to expenditure on alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The share of consumer spending on foods, beverages and tobacco, in total consumer expenditure increased to 28.0%. Excessive consumption, i.e. consumption above the recommended food allowances (RFA), were noted for pork and poultry meat. Insufficient consumption in terms of RFA were noted for beef, fruits, legumes, potatoes, milk and dairy products, fish, vegetables and cereals (flour). According to preliminary calculations, in terms of food self-sufficiency of Slovak population, areas of 10485 km2 of arable land and 3410 km2 of permanent grassland are necessary to cover food security, representing about 66% of currently registered agricultural soil in Land Parcel Information System (LPIS).
Keywords: food consumption; food self sufficiency; primary agricultural land; expenditure; income
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