Scientific journal

55 2016

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 3 / 2016

Mančušková, T. – Medveďová, A. – Valík, Ľ.
Effect of media composition and CO2 concentration on the growth and metabolism of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 55, 2016, No. 3, s. 247-255

Tatiana Mančušková, Department of Nutrition and Food Assessment, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK-812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail:

Received 31 March 2016; 1st revised 5 June 2016; 2nd revised 19 July 2016; accepted 22 July 2016; published online 2 August 2016.

Summary: A strain Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM Howaru Dophilus (NCFM strain) is a probiotic bacterium with positive health effects proven by extensive research. This work deals with examination of media composition and CO2 concentration effects on the growth and metabolism of Lactobacillus strains. Growth rate (Gr) of NCFM strain in non-supplemented de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) broth was 0.348 log CFU·ml-1·h-1, lactic acid production rate (rLA) was 2.07 g·l-1·h-1 and the concentration of produced lactic acid (ΔcLA) reached 12.5 g·l-1. Activity of NCFM strain in milk was significantly lower (Gr = 0.297 log CFU·ml-1·h-1, rLA = 0.16 g·l-1·h-1, ΔcLA = 12.1 g·l-1). Depending on the added substrate, Gr of NCFM strain was 0.295–0.398 log CFU·ml-1·h-1 and 0.260–0.341 log CFU·ml-1·h-1, and the yield of lactic acid ΔcLA was 1.12–14.39 g·l-1 and 1.13–11.57 g·l-1, in MRS broth and milk respectively. Results showed that the most significant stimulation was achieved in medium containing tryptone and the growth limiting factors were mainly free amino acids.

Keywords: Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM; growth; metabolism; organic acids

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