Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 2 / 2017
Híc, P. – Soural, I. – Balík, J. – Kulichová, J. – Vrchotová, N. –
Antioxidant capacities of extracts in relation to toasting oak and acacia wood
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 56, 2017, No. 2, s. 129-137
Pavel Híc, Department of Post-Harvest Technology of Horticultural Products, Faculty of Horticulture, Mendel University in Brno, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice, Czech Republic.
Received 4 August 2016; 1st revised 6 February 2017; accepted 8 March 2017; published online 4 May 2017
Summary: The paper reports on preparation and evaluation of extracts of toasted wood as a potential alternative for wine barrique technology. Various methods of heat treatment were monitored for two types of wood (oak and acacia). Heat treatment led to a weight loss of wood, which increased with increase in temperature of toasting; colour parameters of wood were also changing, with the inner sections of wood showing the same colour change in the value of lightness (L*) as the surface, which pointed to even toasting throughout the wood volume. The weight of matter extractable by 80?% (v/v) ethanol was each time about 5?% of the total weight of the treated wood. The antioxidant capacity of the wood extracts obtained was dependent of the temperature of toasting. The antioxidant capacity (AC) measurement methods involved ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, and total polyphenols (TP) by means of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. For acacia wood, a steady decrease was recorded, for all the three antioxidant parameters, as the wood toasting temperature increased. All of the measured values (AC by both methods and TP) mutually correlated.
Keywords: oak; acacia; toasting wood; barrique extract; antioxidant capacity; weight loss
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