Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 1 / 2021
Spak, M. D. S. – Colmenero, J. C.
University restaurants menu planning using mathematical modelling
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 60, 2021, No. 1, s. 38-48
Marcia Danieli Szeremeta Spak, Department of Management, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Conhecimento Avenue - 01km, 85503-380 Pato Branco, Paraná, Brazil; Centre for Multidisciplinary Food Studies, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Doutor Washington Subtil Chueire Street - 330, 84016-210 Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil. E-mail:, tel.: +55 46 3220-2528.
Received 21 April 2020; 1st revised 25 October 2020; 2nd revised 21 December 2020; 3rd revised 4 February 2021; accepted 11 February 2021; published online 28 February 2021.
Summary: This research aimed to develop a mathematical model for university restaurants menu planning, seeking to formulate nutritionally adequate meals that meet students’ dietary preferences at the lowest cost. The study was divided into three steps: at the first stage,
Keywords: diet planning; food selection; integer linear programming; mathematical modelling; nutrition requirements
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