Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 1 / 2021
Tarlak, F. – Khosravi-Darani, K.
Development and validation of growth models using one-step modelling approach for determination of chicken meat shelf-life under isothermal and non-isothermal storage conditions
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 60, 2021, No. 1, s. 76-86
Kianoush Khosravi-Darani, Department of Food Technology Research, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology/National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Velenjak Street Shahid Chamran Highway 2, 19839-63113 Tehran, Iran. E-mail:
Received 19 January 2021; 1st revised 15 March 2021; accepted 16 March 2021; published online 24 March 2021.
Summary: The main objective of the present study was to investigate and simulate the effect of storage temperature on spoilage of aerobically stored chicken meat using two-step and one-step modelling approaches. For this purpose, the fitting capability of various primary models was evaluated for total bacterial counts in aerobically stored chicken meat. The one-step modelling approach considerably improved the fitting capability whichever primary model was used. The statistical indices (bias factor = 0.999 and accuracy factor = 1.194) showed that the best prediction performance for prediction of maximum specific bacterial growth rate values was obtained by the one-step modelling approach involving the Huang model. The prediction performance of the Huang model was also assessed for various non-isothermal storage conditions, and this model provided satisfactory statistical indices (1.027 > bias factor > 1.064 and 1.069 > accuracy factor > 1.085). The validated one-step modelling approach exhibited good performance as a prediction tool for the determination of chicken meat spoilage; therefore the chicken meat shelf-life was predicted as a function of storage temperature. The shelf-life decreased from 58 h (2.4 days) to 16 h (0.7 days) when the storage temperature was increased from 4 °C to 15 °C.
Keywords: dynamic model; microbiological quality; growth kinetics; predictive microbiology; shelf-life
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