Scientific journal

62 2023

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 2 / 2023

Durán-Mendoza, T. – Ramírez-Muñoz, I. Y. – Pérez-Sánchez, C. C. – Guzmán-Ceferino, J. – May-Gutierrez, M. E. – Acosta-Maas, G. E. – De la Cruz-Leyva, M. C. – Hernández-Garfias, E.
Sensory, physico-chemical and microbiological characterization of coffee substitute based on Brosimum alicastrum
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 62, 2023, No. 2, s. 183-190

Enrique Hernández-Garfias, Food Engineering, De Los Ríos Multidisciplinary Academic Division, Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco, 86901 Tenosique, Tabasco, México. E-mail:

Original article
Received 15 September 2022; 1st revised 31 March 2023; accepted 2 May 2023; published online 30 May 2023.

Summary: For health or personal reasons, alternatives to the Coffea arabica drink are being investigated. In this work, a coffee substitute based on Brosimum alicastrum seeds was developed and characterized. Two drying and roasting methods were applied, namely, solar dehydration with solar roasting (M1) and solar dehydration with oven roasting (M2). Three treatments were formulated: T1 (417 g·kg-1 M1 and 417 g·kg-1 M2), T2 (500 g·kg-1 M1 and 334 g·kg-1 M2) and T3 (334 g·kg-1 M1 and 500 g·kg-1 M2). Physico-chemical properties and palatability were evaluated using a randomized design. The microbiological properties met the limits established by the corresponding Mexican standards. T1, T2 and T3 had average pH 5.7 and water activity aw of 0.5. No differences were in moisture, ash, protein and fibre (P > 0.05). T2 and T3 presented higher content of fat (43 g·kg-1 and 46 g·kg-1; P < 0.05). Absence of coliforms and fungi was observed. The hedonic test indicated that M2 conferred sensory characteristics to T3, registering the same palatability as commercial coffee. It is concluded that with an adequate treatment, the seeds of Brosimum alicastrum can be a substitute for coffee.

Keywords: Brosimum alicastrum; breadnut; coffee substitute

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