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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 3 / 2008
Kinetics of degradation of oxytetracycline and tetracycline in honey and in a glucose-fructose model mixture in various storage conditions
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 47, 2008, č. 3, s. 139-144
Viera Čuláková, VÚP Food Research Institute, Biocentre, Kostolná 7, SK - 900 01 Modra, Slovakia. E-mail:
Súhrn: The kinetics of oxytetracycline (OTC) and tetracycline (TC) degradation were studied in honey and in a glucose-fructose (GF) model mixture spiked with OTC at a level of 209.7 dry mass and TC at a level of 209.4 dry mass. The samples of spiked honey were stored in the dark, in the semidark and in the daylight at (25 ± 3) °C. The samples of the spiked GF model mixture were stored only in the daylight. OTC degradation was faster than TC degradation in all conditions. OTC degradation half-time (t1/2) in the dark in honey was 77.0 days and t1/2 of TC was 210.0 days. Daylight accelerated the progress of degradation dramatically since t1/2 of OTC was 3.6 days and t1/2 of TC was 19.3 days while, at semidark conditions, t1/2 of OTC was 25.3 days and t1/2 of TC was 147 days. OTC and TC degraded in honey faster than in the GF model mixture in the same storage conditions.
Kľúčové slová: oxytetracycline; tetracycline; honey; degradation; HPLC; kinetics
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jfnr-2008-3-p139-144-culakova.pdf (PDF, 132.71 Kb, 2596x)