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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 3 / 2010
Factors affecting the rate of benzo[a]pyrene decomposition in non-polar system – a model study
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 49, 2010, č. 3, s. 165-168
Božena Skláršová, VÚP Food Research Institute, Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 25, SK – 824 75 Bratislava 26, Slovakia. Tel.: 00 421 2 50237145, e-mail:
Súhrn: Decomposition of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was studied at two different light wavelengths, i.e. 254 nm and 365 nm in a non-polar medium (n-hexane) at concentrations 50, 100 and 150 µg•l-1. At chosen time intervals, BaP concentration was measured by HPLC using fluorescence detection. Comparing rate constants k and half-lives t1/2 it was found that decomposition at 365 nm was 15.3 times faster in comparison with the decomposition at 254 nm. The decompositions obey the first order kinetics. Considerable effect had addition of food antioxidants, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) and o-methoxyphenol (guaiacol), which both accelerated the rate of BaP decomposition – BHT by 1.17 times and guaia¬col even 1.45 times. This means that both antioxidants had pro-oxidant effects on BaP. These findings may represent a basis for a new approach to decrease PAH content in foods, where their presence is due to the applied production technology.
Kľúčové slová: benzo[a]pyrene; photolysis; decomposition; kinetics; BHT; guaiacol; prooxidant effects
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jfnr-2010-3-p165-168.pdf (PDF, 116.13 Kb, 1811x)