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46 2007

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 4 / 2007

Effect of buckwheat hull hemicelluloses addition on the bread-making quality of wheat flour
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 46, 2007, č. 4, s. 158-166

Zdenka Hromádková, Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK - 842 38 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel.: +421 2 5941 0284; fax: +421 2 5941 0222; e-mail:

Súhrn: Buckwheat hull hemicelluloses (BHH) obtained from seeds by alkaline extraction were applied at 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7% content to the bread wheat flour (BWF) and these additions were studied in relation to rheological properties of the dough as well as quality of bread characterized by laboratory baking tests and sensory evaluation. Addition of 0.5% BHH had a considerable effect on bread flour quality in relation to the resistance to extension and fermentation of dough. However, higher doses of BHH (> 0.7%) had a negative influence on gas development and fermentation of dough. Addition of BHH between 0.3–0.5% lead to improved sensory properties of fresh bread and higher scores for overall acceptability. During storage, the most evident changes were related to crumb hardening, when BHH reduced the crumb hardness producing a softer crumb than the control at any storage time. Also, higher elasticity of the crumb in comparison to the control was observed. In long-term storage, all breads containing BHH exhibited higher softness and elasticity than the control. Results showed that BHH can be used to improve the quality of bread to prepared from medium-quality wheat flours.

Kľúčové slová: buckwheat; hull hemicelluloses; wheat flour; dough; rheology; bread staling; sensory quality

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