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47 2008

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 4 / 2008

Authentication of honey by multivariate analysis of its physico–chemical parameters
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 47, 2008, č. 4, s. 170-180

Kristína Kukurová, VÚP Food Research Institute, Priemyslená 4, SK – 824 75 Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail:

Súhrn: The aim of this study was the characterization of honeys by selected analytical methods proposed by International Honey Commission (IHC) and comparison of these parameters with those specified by regulations of Slovak Republic and EU. HPLC assays of sugar profiles and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural contents were modified by using Polymer IEX H form and Lichrospher 100 NH2 columns (Watrex, Berlin, Germany) and by the modification of mobile phase composition. Adulteration of honey by almost 20 % addition of high-fructose corn syrups was detected in commercial honey by stable carbon isotope ratio 13C/12C analysis. In order to characterize and classify various honeys and distinguish honeys from starch syrups, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used for statistical evaluation of physico-chemical parameters of honeys. The sum or ratio of glucose, fructose and water were found to be more specific indicators of the honey quality than any individual parameter. Low electrical conductivity values of 0.252 mS•cm-1 and 0.211 mS•cm-1 determined in two samples of forest honey purchased from the local market underlined the significance of previous Slovakian regulation for this type of honey in the interval from 0.55 mS•cm-1 to 1.00 mS•cm-1 in consequence of the assumed adulteration by adding colorants.

Kľúčové slová: honey; authentication; principal component analysis; cluster analysis

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  jfnr-2008-4-p170-180-kukurova.pdf (PDF, 211.11 Kb, 4705x)