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55 2016

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 2 / 2016

Ciesarová, Z. – Basil, E. – Kukurová, K. – Marková, L. – Zieliński, H. – Wronkowska, M.
Gluten-free muffins based on fermented and unfermented buckwheat flour – content of selected elements
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 55, 2016, č. 2, s. 108-113

Małgorzata Wronkowska, Department of Chemistry and Biodynamic of Food, Division of Food Science, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Tuwima 10, 10-748 Olsztyn, Poland.
Fax: +48 89 5240124; e-mail:

Received 29 October 2015; 1st revised 5 February 2016; accepted 9 February 2016; published online 9 March 2016.

Súhrn: The aim of the study was to determine the content of macro- and microelements in innovative gluten-free muffins. Four types of innovative muffins were obtained from unfermented or fermented, by Lactobacillus plantarum, common buckwheat flour suspension mixed with buckwheat flour or commercial gluten-free maize flour. Buckwheat flour was a better source on macro- and microelements compared to maize gluten-free flour. Only the calcium content in gluten-free maize flour was higher than in buckwheat flour. Innovative muffins obtained from unfermented or fermented, by L. plantarum, common buckwheat flour suspension mixed with buckwheat flour showed the highest content of macro­elements: potassium and magnesium, and also higher content of microelements: zinc and manganese. The applied fermentation process significantly decreased copper content in the samples containing fermented buckwheat flour compared to other muffin samples.

Kľúčové slová: micrelements; macroelements; Lactobacillus plantarum; baking

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