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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 1 / 2018
Chmelová, D. – Ondrejovič, M. – Havrlentová, M. – Kraic, J.
Evaluation of polar polyphenols with antioxidant activities in Papaver somniferum L.
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 57, 2018, č. 1, s. 98-107
Daniela Chmelová, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Nám. J. Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava, Slovakia. Tel.: +421 33 55 65 321; e-mail:
Received 17 August 2017; 1st revised 18 October 2017; 2nd revised
Súhrn: The presence of total polyphenols (free and bound) of polar fractions and their antioxidant activities was evaluated in twelve commercial poppy cultivars with different colours of seeds (blue, grey, white and ochre). Seeds of blue poppy cultivars with the lowest oil content (432 g·kg-1) had the highest content of total polar polyphenols (~289.9 mg·kg-1 plant material) and highest antioxidant activities determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity and the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods (337.5 mg·kg-1 and 488.5 mg·kg-1 plant material, respectively). White poppy seeds had the lowest polyphenol content (~194.8 mg·kg-1 plant material) and lowest antioxidant activities determined by DPPH and FRAP methods (196.7 mg·kg-1 and 401.0 mg·kg-1 plant material, respectively). Ochre and grey poppy cultivars had comparable contents of above mentioned compounds. Polar and non-polar compounds of homogenized poppy seeds increased oxidative stability of sunflower oil, ranging from 4.7 h to 9.2 h. Our results suggest that oil stabilization is mediated by substances other than non-polar compounds. Thus, the presence of polyphenols with antioxidant activity in poppy residues after oil extraction should be considered for the applications as possible additives for oil stabilization.
Kľúčové slová: Papaver somniferum; seed extracts; antioxidant activity; polar fractions; oil stability
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