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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 1 / 2020
Gondeková, M. – Bahelka, I. – Pavlík, I. – Huba, J. – Tomka, J. – Polák, P.
Carcass and meat quality of the most numerous slaughtered cow breeds in Slovakia
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 59, 2020, č. 1, s. 44-50
Martina Gondeková, Department for Animal Husbandry Systems, Breeding and Product Quality, National Agricultural and Food Centre – Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra, Hlohovecká 2, 95141 Lužianky, Slovakia. E-mail:
Received 11 November 2019; 1st revised 1 February 2020; accepted 20 February 2020; published online 25 February 2020
Súhrn: The objective of this study was to compare the quality of cow carcasses and meat of three most slaughtered breeds in Slovakia: Black Holstein (BH, n = 119) and Red Holstein (RH, n = 86), and Slovak Simmental (SS, n = 83). A total of 288 samples of meat were collected randomly from cows from various slaughterhouses in Slovakia. All animals were fed the Total Mixed Ration diet year round. At slaughter, the cows were 2094.40 ± 928.07 days old. Higly significant differences were found in the age
Kľúčové slová: carcass; meat; quality; culled cows; Holstein; Simmental
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