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61 2022

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 2 / 2022

Zverev, S. – Sesikashvili, O. – Mardaleishvili, N. – Gamkrelidze, E. – Politukha, O.
Composite grain products based on traditional groats with the addition of lentil grits
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 61, 2022, č. 2, s. 169-177

Otari Sesikashvili, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering – Technical, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Tamar – Mepe Street 59, 4600 Kutaisi, Georgia. E-mail:

Received 1 November 2021; 1st revised 6 February 2022; 2nd revised 13 March 2022; accepted 16 March 2022; published online 16 May 2022.

Súhrn: The article deals with the possibility of replacing proteins of animal origin with complete proteins of plant origin. In nutrition, complementarity of proteins in terms of amino acids complementing each other is preferred. One of the methods of balancing essential amino acids is to obtain compositional mixtures from traditional groats and some legumes. Based on the concept of reference protein and the method of balancing scores of limiting essential amino acids, guidance values of the quantities of lentil grits for addition to traditional groats were obtained. The addition of 19–35 % lentil grits allows to obtain mixtures with a high protein content and the protein will be complete. An algorithm was proposed for calculating optimum proportions of two proteins when they are mixed. Described are two methods for obtaining ground large-seeded lentils. Obtaining two-component mixtures implies the comparability of their fractional composition, which allows to synchronize the cooking time. To speed up the cooking process, the lentils were subjected to heat treatment in an infrared stream. The cooking time of lentil groats was evaluated in comparison with the cooking time of traditional groats.

Kľúčové slová: lentil; grits; reference protein; amino acid; composite grain products; complete protein; score balancing

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