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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 3 / 2022
Cumplido-Laso, G. – González-Cebrino, F. – García-Parra, J. J. – Ramírez, M. R.
High hydrostatic pressure processing of pumpkin: Identification and quantification of the volatiles profile
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 61, 2022, č. 3, s. 296-307
Maria Rosario Ramírez, Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura (CICYTEX), Technological Agri-Food Institute (INTAEX), Avda. Adolfo Suárez s/n, 06071 Badajoz, Spain. Tel.: +34 924 010437. Fax: +34 924 012674, e-mail:
Received 14 January 2022; 1st revised 22 June 2022; accepted 26 July 2022; published online 21 September 2022.
Súhrn: The aim of this study was to evaluate the volatiles profile of a pumpkin purée processed by high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at various pressure values and holding times, specifically, 400 MPa and 600 MPa for 200 s, 400 s and 600 s. The content of volatiles was evaluated by the method of solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (
Kľúčové slová: hydrostatic high pressure; volatile compound; pumpkin; solid phase microextraction
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jfnr-2022-3-p296-307-cumplido-laso.pdf (PDF, 300.76 Kb, 1673x)