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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 1 / 2024
Giertlová, A. – Bartošová, L. – Světlíková, A.
Dietary recommendations and health-promoting food basket during pandemic crisis
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 63, 2024, č. 1, s. 60-68
Anna Giertlová, Department of Food Databases, Food Research Institute, National Agricultural and Food Centre, Priemyselná 4, SK-82475 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel. +421 2 50237014; e-mail:
Original article
Received 14 August 2023; 1st revised 28 September 2023; accepted 25 October 2023; published online
Súhrn: During the COVID-19 pandemic, It was necessary to ensure an optimal nutritional status of the human body and maintain a normal body weight. This can be achieved with a balanced diet, which covers all the necessary nutrients for the body in an appropriate amount with respect to age, sex, physiological state and physical activity according to the recommended dietary allowances (RDA). The goal of our work was to quantify the amount and composition of food in accordance with nutritional recommendations with an emphasis on crisis situations such as COVID-19 pandemic. Using the nutritional software Alimenta 4.3e (Food Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia), we compiled bi-weekly menus in accordance with RDA for four selected physiological groups that are most represented in the Slovak population. The recipes were also the basis for defining the amount of food needed for a period of 14 days, reflecting the length of the quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. The defined amounts of food for selected physiological groups can serve as health-promoting food basket, which has been absent for a long time in the Slovakia.
Kľúčové slová: recommended dietary allowance; food basket; food composition; COVID-19
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